Some of the borough's most disadvantaged children enjoyed a delicious food, a magic show, and a trip to the pantomime or cinema over Christmas as part of the council’s Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme.

This year’s Christmas instalment of HAF holidays culminated last week with a three-course meal in the stunning surroundings of Bolton’s Town Hall.

More than 500 children and young people came to the town hall and took part in fun, Christmas themed activities, and received a professionally cooked dining experience overseen by chef Mike Harrison, consultant chef to Bolton’s annual food and drink festival.

READ MORE: HAF funding goes to summer fun and free meals

They also received demonstrations on how to cook the meals themselves once they got home .

After they had eaten at this one-off experience, the group split up – some taking a trip to the pantomime at Victoria Hall, with others going to the cinema.

All the day’s activities were funded through the HAF programme for eligible children, young people, and families.

Children came from all over the borough to join the festivities, including Bolton Youth Service, Bolton Lads and Girls Club, Bolton at Home, among others.

Cllr Anne Galloway, the council's cabinet member for children’s services, said: “It was good to see all the children have such a fun time at the event we put on in one of the suites at the town hall, decked out in Christmas decorations.

READ MORE: University of Bolton helps council and the Anderton Centre deliver HAF Project

“There was a three course meal which they saw being prepared for them by our chef, Mike Harrison, followed by a magic show.

“They all went off to the panto with a goodie bags.

“With money being so tight, this would be one of the highlights of their holidays.”

Bolton's HAF programme is funded by the Department for Education and co-ordinated locally by the council. 

Bolton received over £1.4m to support vulnerable children and families on benefits-related free school meals with free fun creative sessions offering sports, games, physical activities, and food during the school holidays. 

READ MORE: Free Christmas activities and food for children returns

The council and its partners help deliver a fantastic HAF programme over Easter, summer, and Christmas with over 10,000 individual young people benefitting last year.

For more information on our local HAF programme visit

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