Questions have been asked about how a common assault case was allowed to take up so much time and costs before being dealt with.

Ryan Crowder, 27, assaulted a woman in Bolton last summer after he had been drinking and taking cocaine.

He was brought before Bolton Crown Court after pleading guilty to common assaul thet.

The judge questioned this process after concerns were raised about why Crowder was not dealt with sooner.

Addressing the court, Recorder Nicholas Clarke KC said: “We’re inundated with cases, as you know, and with thousands of cases yet to be heard it needs some feedback.

The Bolton News: The case was heard at Bolton Crown CourtThe case was heard at Bolton Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

“Some thought really needs to go into it before it gets to this stage because its been at huge expense.”

He added: “Had this matter been dealt with at the magistrates court, the costs would have been considerably lower.”

Andrew Mackintosh, prosecuting, told that Crowder, of Woodgate Street, had assaulted the woman after a flow of ‘foul and abusive language’ on July 25 2022.

He has a previous conviction for assault, including against emergency workers, and was already carrying out a community order at the time and has not yet completed his unpaid work order.

Denise Fitzpatrick, defending, argued that Crowder deserved credit for having pleaded guilty and told the court that he wished to apologise for his behaviour.

She said: “He understands the seriousness of his situation and he is deeply remorseful.”

Ms Fitzpatrick told the court that Crowder worked 32 hours a week at a pork scratchings factory to provide for his loved ones but would be sure to pay whatever costs the court decided on.

But again, Recorder Clarke made the court aware of his alarm that a case like this had taken so long to deal with when, in his view it could have been dealt with much more quickly and cheaply at an earlier stage.

He also noted Crowder’s previous record and the fact he had been taking cocaine.

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Addressing the defendant, Recorder Clarke said: “I put into brackets that you were clearly able to waste money on drugs.”

He sentenced Crowder to an 18-month community order, including 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days and fined him £155.

Recorder Clarke also ordered the defendant to pay £85 towards the costs of the prosecution and a £114 victim surcharge.