A man went into a supermarket in Bolton and threatened people with a wrench after the medication he takes for his schizophrenia was not delivered.

Amir Master entered the Morrisons store on Brownlow Way on June 18 last year.

Bolton Crown Court heard he was a regular at the store but went in with the wrench while wearing a onesie and a ski mask.

Despite his attempts at disguise he was recognised by the woman working at the store.

He demanded 10 packets of Benson and Hedges and threatened to "smash people’s heads in" if they did not hand them over, prosecutor Katherine Wright told the court.

The incident was also witnessed by a 14-year-old girl in the supermarket.

The staff member handed over the cigarettes before Master smashed the screen of the till and left.

He was traced through CCTV and arrested at his address but denied being the person responsible when interviewed by police.

Master, 27, later admitted robbery and appeared in court to be sentenced.

Ms Wright read a victim impact statement from the store member.

She said: “This is the second time she has experienced this at work.

“She suffers anxiety and panic attacks.

“She feels particularly unsafe.

“It has left her unable to trust people.”

Mark Fireman, defending, said Master had schizophrenia which reduced his culpability.

He said: “There was a problem with the delivery of the correct drugs to the pharmacist.

“That is a problem in the health service.

“He was extremely short of money.

“Had he not been in such a poor state of mental health he would not have done it.”

Recorder Neil Clarke KC said his first thoughts were with the staff member at the store, but acknowledged his culpability was reduced due to schizophrenia.

He said he still “must be punished” for what he did.

Recorder Clarke suspended a sentence of 18 months for two years and ordered Master to complete a mental health treatment requirement for a year and ordered him to complete 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

He also placed Master under a curfew ordering him to remain at his home address on Brownlow Road from 8pm until 7am for three months.