Katie Hopkins, who is infamous for her strong opinions and far-right commentary, is bringing her live show to Blackburn and the announcement has received a mixed reaction.

Katie, best known for appearing on The Apprentice and Celebrity Big Brother, is set to bring her show ‘Live, Laugh, Love’ to The Empire Theatre in October.

The comedy show is said to 'tell stories and anecdotes from throughout her TV and media career, setting the record straight on what was said, and not said, as she lays waste to her critics with the power of laughter'.

The show’s description says: “Katie Hopkins is best known as the Apprentice who fired Lord Sugar.

"She’s bold, she’s brave and she’s funny. Having recently survived traumatic brain surgery, she says she has been given the gift of extra time.

“A trained economist, Katie was sponsored through Exeter University by the Intelligence Corps and has completed marathons on every continent.

The Bolton News: Katie HopkinsKatie Hopkins (Image: Jonathan Brady/PA)

“Her arm muscles even have their own Instagram page.

“Outspoken and opinionated, Katie is the perfect night out if you want to laugh at ‘the insanity of our lefty world . . . while we still can’.

“She’s not PC but totally [funny].

“Watch her mercilessly ridicule everyone from politicians to celebrities in a show dripping with one-liners and acerbic put-downs of the ‘so-called great and good’.

“If you’re expecting a night of ‘hate speech’ you’ll be disappointed; this is about loving, about living and, most of all, about laughing.”

Since the theatre making the announcement earlier this week, dozens of people have shared their opinion about the show – and many people are not happy.

One person said: “This is one occasion where I hope every seat in the house is empty.”

“You have got to be joking,” said another.

“The most generous I can be is to say if her show was in my back garden, I'd close the curtains and keep the doors and windows shut.”

A fourth person said: “Oh I can’t even begin to express my disappointment in this!

Another said: “I don’t see this selling well. I’ve no thoughts on her but I know there are a lot of people that that don’t like her.”

“The Empire Theatre has chosen to host someone who earns her living by spreading hatred and division. Shame on you,” said another.

Not everyone is disappointed in the news and some have offered words of support to Katie.

One person said: “If you don't like her don't book, it's simple. People need to stop being so offended.”

“She's a truth teller and she does it with humour despite how tragic the truth is about this country’s situation.

“I'll be going and it will be a sell-out I am sure. Kate doesn't hold back hence why they want to silence her,” said another.

The former LBC presenter is no stranger to controversy. In 2021 she was deported from Australia after she boasted on social media that she planned to breach the country’s quarantine rules.

In 2020 she was banned from Twitter from ‘breaking abuse and hate rules’.

In 2017 she called for a “final solution” following the Manchester Arena terrorist attack

The now-deleted tweet, made in the hours after the explosion, read: “22 dead – number rising. Schofield. Don’t you even dare. Do not be a part of the problem. We need a final solution #Machester (sic).”

In an interview on This Morning in 2013, Katie said would not let her children play with other children who had ‘lower class names’ such as Tyler or Chardonnay.

She also said she did not like geographical location names, despite her own child being called India, and was once caught having sex in a field with a married man - who went on to get divorced and leave his wife and children to marry her.

A spokesperson for the Blackburn Empire Theatre said: “We offer a wide range of shows, and we understand that not all shows will appeal to all tastes.

“The Katie Hopkins show is titled ‘Live. Laugh. Love.’ and is clearly advertised as a comedy show. It highlights her recovery from a life-threatening illness together with stories and anecdotes from throughout her TV and media career.

“We have had a range of reactions to the show, but the number of pre-booking enquiries and positive feedback has outweighed the relatively low level of negative responses.”

Tickets for the show went on sale on Friday, January 6.