IT’S is one of Bolton’s most recognised and intriguing landmarks.

Tomorrow visitors can enter the Pigeon Tower, the looming structure in Rivington Terraced Gardens.

A small donation is appreciated which goes towards the upkeep of the historic gardens

Read more Inside Rivington Gardens' Pigeon Tower

The tower will open until around 3pm on Saturday.

It is being opened by the volunteers and friends of Rivington Heritage Trust,

Visitors will learn about the story of how Lord Leverhulme created the historic gardens and how Lady Leverhulme, who would retreat into the French-gothic  towering structure to read and sew.

The Bolton News:

The Pigeon Tower, which has been shut for decades, is now able to reopen thanks to a multi-million investment to restore the gardens, which over the years had become overgrown and neglected.

For up to date information visit

The Pigeon Tower opens the first Saturday of every month.

Visitors can learn more about the volunteer group who preserve the gardens for future generations.