A vote is set to take place on plans to build a new two to three floor apartment block in Bolton.

If approved, the new block will be built on Dorset Close in Farnworth and will include eight self-contained assisted living flats.

The proposal will be debated by the counci on Thursday after Cllr Nadeem Ayub, who represents the area, asked for it to be discussed by elected members.

He said: “This was after a resident asked me to bring this plan before the committee.

“I won’t be speaking on this proposal myself but this will ensure that its fully debated before a vote takes place.”

The Bolton News: The block will include eight assisted living flatsThe block will include eight assisted living flats (Image: Hawthorn Design Partnership)

Cllr Ayub confirmed that he would be speaking on other Farnworth-related matters at the same committee meeting, including controversial plans for a new HMO on Lower Rawson Street.

He asked for the Dorset Close proposal to be brought to the committee amid concerns from residents that it may overlook some of their homes.

The site for the new block is not far from Farnworth town centre in what is already a densely populated area with buildings that are a mixture of type, size and architecture.

None of the proposed flats will have access to individual private amenity space.

The Bolton News: The plans will now be voted on by Bolton CouncilThe plans will now be voted on by Bolton Council (Image: Hawthorn Design Partnership)

But all of the would-be residents will have access to a communal space at the front and back of the building.

The new building will be from the southern side of the site from the back lane of houses fronting Balmoral Road.

Access for cars and other vehicles will be from the lane to a car park with four car spaces.

Cycle parking and bin storage would be located in the northeast corner, accessible from the car parking area and communal garden.

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The plans were first put before the council earlier in 2022 on Thursday May 12 and was open for neighbourhood consultations for several weeks until July 19 that same year.

They were building upon plans that were established in principle in 2016 and 2019 but which have now been set out in more detail.

The council will meet on Thursday, January 5 to vote on whether or not to greenlight the proposal.