Bolton School old girl swapped the boardroom for the classroom to inspire the next generation.

In the latest 'Women at Work' series at the school, Aanya Pitalia returned to talk to Year 10 girls virtually from Terminal 5 at Heathrow Airport, where she works as a Tax Manager.

A spokesperson for Bolton School said: "When choosing a university course, Aanya advised girls to ask themselves what they wanted their life to look like.

"As an example, Aanya is currently very happy with an office job where she can broadly work 9am - 5pm, because it allows her to take part in things outside of work too. 

"Aanya said they should not stress too much about this choosing a university course - most UK universities are great and she did not know of anyone who regretted the university they had chosen."

Aanya then fielded a number of questions, including whether your degree restricts which jobs you can get, whether she had undertaken professional qualifications, whether she had utilised her university’s career services, what careers in actuarial services are like, and how best to go about time management. 

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