A meeting between a village councillor and high ranking police officers has been held after a spate of violent incidents in the Little Lever area.

The urgent meeting was held after a mum said her car was robbed at knifepoint and a brawl which broke out on Hall Lane.

And officers and councillors as well as the local MP is due to speak to local residents at a public meeting next week.

The incident came just days after a brawl left a number of people in hosital.

And there was criticism about police visibility in the area.

Cllr Sean Hornby described the meeting  as 'very productive' saying the police agreed more needs to be done in Little Lever.

Cllr Hornby said he put forward the 'serious concern's himself and residents have in the area including the non-visible police presence in the community particularly not having a PCSO, youth crime and anti-social behaviour, issues around the traveller’s site, car thefts, and burglaries.

Read more: Little Lever community concerned after violent disorder

He said: "Things have got worse with the last 12 years of Tory cuts and Teresa May's decision to cut policing by 20,000.

"I met the most senior police officers and I have explained my concerns and they have explained their difficulties they have got with funding. But hopefully we can move things forward and they have agreed Little Lever needs a better police presence and that is going to take place.

"We have concerns with an increase in crime, car crime, the amount of youths that are constantly congregating in the village centre where they are attacking the public library and riding into it on bikes and things whilst it's open, youths that are lobbing bricks at cars as they are passing.

The Bolton News:

"We have had silhouette soldiers in our memorial garden which have been beheaded which I think is a total disgrace and we had on the avenues a lot of anti-social behaviour.

Read more: Little Lever: Violent disturbance breaks out in Moses Gate

"There is a mountain of things that are going on and there are issues with the travellers site 

"We haven't had a designated officer for Little Lever for a long time, we haven't even had a PCSO, and things have got to change, which the police have accepted.

"Their hands are tied because of a lack of funding for policing, so consequently all those things linked together is causing a massive problem.

"They intend to tackle it as quickly as possible, and the meeting was very positive.

"Time is up, I for one have had enough and we want to see something for the high costs we pay in our council tax precept payments to Greater Manchester Police."

In response to the concerns by councillors and residents there will be a community meeting coming up on November 24 at Hardy Hall in Little Lever and there will be a walkabout to find out concerns from residents.