No more houses in multiple occupation - that's the cry from residents hoping to block a planning application.

Proposals have been put forward to convert 140 Lower Rawson Road in Farnworth into a seven bedroom HMO with an extension at the back.

Following objections from his constituents, ward councillor has requested the plans go to a full planning committee, rather than being ruled on by council officers.

Cllr Nadeem Ayub said: “I am concerned about the added traffic and lack of amenity space that could result from this type of house which is only suited for inner-city areas. 

“I am against the increasing number of HMOs in congested streets especially where there is already a fair amount of HMO’s and I will continue to support residents in their objections to such applications”. 

"Whilst I readily acknowledge there is a need for housing, I do not believe that these get-rich-quick landlords have any place in Farnworth.

 “It is important that any application add value to our town." 

Residents said if the application was approved it would lead to more cars on the road and voiced other concerns.

Wendy Birchall started a petition to stop the developments. She said: “There are already loads of HMO’s in the area and there is a massive shortage of family homes not just in Bolton but in the whole country.

“I don’t understand why the local council is allowing these to go ahead when it’s just making developers more money.

“The developers take on it is that it will house student doctors but the HMO’s already in the area are having issues with police turning up

“That area is already busy with a small narrow bridge that takes you onto that street, so there’s already nowhere to park for existing cars.”

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Cllr Ayub believes there will be high risk of anti-social behaviour and parking problems and will have a detrimental affect on the quality of life in the area.

He said: “I support the local residents and will object to this application at planning committee. “