Two well-used footpaths become impassable after heavy rainfall, say residents who want action to be taken to fix the issue.

The paths that run adjacent to Pickup’s Field – locally known as Green Lane Field –  to flood at the first sign of rain, say locals.

The paths, when clear, are used by many to easily access local amenities, such as local schools, shops, and a pharmacy.

Ste Gregory lives close to the entrance to one of the paths.

He said: “They are completely under water every time it rains. One that runs along the bottom of Pickup Fields and one that runs along the side.

The Bolton News: The flooded bottom path by Pickup's FieldThe flooded bottom path by Pickup's Field (Image: Ste Gregory)

“Both are under water and then the two rivers merge into one making it worse. I’ve ruined many pairs of shoes because of it.

"It’s been like this for years. It’s a really serious hazard. Someone is going to get seriously hurt one day. You don’t know what you’re treading on, and debris comes down with the water.”

Ste says that in order to avoid the flooding he it would add around 15 minutes on to his travel time.

He is also concerned because he knows of several elderly and disabled residents who live at the top of the path who often use it to get from A to B.

The Bolton News: The flooded bottom path by Pickup's FieldThe flooded bottom path by Pickup's Field (Image: Ste Gregory)

“I've been on to councillors for years,” he said. “They just say, ‘okay I’ll have a word with Bolton Council’ but nothing gets done.

“It needs drainage and there’s a little river that runs under the path and that needs rerouting. There’s only one small drainpipe that’s meant to get rid of all it.”

Horwich North East ward councillor Marie Brady says that there are plan in the pipeline to fix both of the paths, and they are likely to start in around a year's time.

She said: “The surface at the moment has worn the path away and made it lose. Because it’s on a hill, water does run down it and makes it difficult to negotiate.

“The path is very well used, particularly by children attending the two schools there.

The Bolton News: The current drainage solutionThe current drainage solution (Image: Ste Gergory)

“At the top there is a Bolton at Home development, and it is within their remit to replace that path.

“For the lower path by the ginnel, the area forum of councillors for Horwich North East – myself, Cllr McKeon and Cllr Silvester – have agreed plans to resurface the path and ensure the drainage functions properly.

“This will probably take place in about a year once the Bolton at Home project nears its completion. It makes sense economically to do it at the same time, so we can pay the same contractors.

“We’ve all been aware for a long time that it needs doing and highways have looked over the plans and they are within the area forum budget estimate. This project was identified and was unanimously agreed last year.”

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