A car was reportedly stolen at knifepoint from a young mother with her baby earlier today.

The Seat was reportedly stolen on Mytham Road, Little Lever at around 4.45pm close to the doctors' surgeries.

Cllr Sean Hornby, who represents the area on Bolton Council, says he is aware of the alleged incident and has called for an immediate response from the police.

He said: “I’ve just emailed the Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police and the Chief Superintendent for Bolton Stephanie Parker saying we need them to take immediate action.

“So that’s now gone out on council lettering saying that we’ve had enough, we’ve had five named incidents in recent days with two knife point robberies.

“Little Lever is becoming a no-go area, people are frightened, and we need police officers on the streets, in the community providing reassurance.”

He added: “For that to happen outside a medical centre at 4.45 in the afternoon is appalling, absolutely appalling.

“How must it feel for a child to see that, a car stolen at knifepoint?”

The car was reportedly stolen by a single robber armed with a knife and dressed all in black.

Cllr Hornby says that in response he expects the Chief Constable and Chief Superintendent to provide a visible policing prescence and has asked for a meeting with them to discuss this.

He said that since he was first elected in 2006 he has seen the situation with police numbers steadily worsen thanks to continuing cuts to budgets.

This comes not long after outbreaks of disturbances near Moses Gate that saw several people taken to hospital on Sunday evening.

Those violent scenes prompted similar calls for more action to be taken by police in the Little Lever area.

Cllr Hornby said: “Today we haven’t even got a PCSO in Little Lever, never mind a police officer.

“We were told at the last meeting we had that we won’t be getting one until February next year and that is appalling, we will not accept that.”

Greater Manchester Police have been approached for comment.