A daughter of a well-known Bolton businessman has helped raise £12k for several Bolton charities, as part of her mission to continue her father’s legacy.

Sital Raja-Arjan’s father Pratap Khimji Raja built the House Of Rajas Ltd from the ground up, opening it 40 years ago, before passing away 15 years ago.

She is now the manager at Rajas, but has since taken over the business, as her mum Nila approaches 80, although she still works seven days a week.

Sital has constantly continued to raise money for charities and was nominated for the Pride of Britain Award in 2020.

As a way of not forgetting her father and to give back to the town she grew up in, Sital, and her husband Pravin Arjan of Sohil Enterprise, put on a special charity event.

All of the money spent during the event has gone to support charities close to Sital’s heart.

The Bolton News: Fort Alice receiving chequeFort Alice receiving cheque (Image: Public)

She said: “It’s important that we donate the money to Bolton charities and to charities we can work alongside, where we would like the money spent.

“It has to stay in Bolton to help fellow Boltonians, and it is ring fenced for what we want to spend the money on.

“It’s important that people know where the money has gone.

“It’s also what my dad believed in, which is why we’re continuing his legacy.

“My dad will be absolutely loving it.

“People are willing to spend money when they know where the money has gone.”

The event was sponsored by Sahil Enterprise, and the money that was raised has been split between Homeless Aid UK, Boot Out Breast Cancer, and Fort Alice, with £4k going to each.

The Bolton News: Boot Out Breast Cancer receiving their donationBoot Out Breast Cancer receiving their donation (Image: Public)

Sital added: “You get between 500-600 women in a room who are all affected by these charities, especially breast cancer and domestic violence.

“It’s something that a lot of people can relate to.

“It’s brilliant because the people who use the charities nearly always come back to us. “

The event was well attended, including Debbie Dowie, Billa Ahmed and Gill Smallwood MBE making a special appearance at the event and staying until late evening to enjoy the festivities.

Sital added: “We do the logo "bringing communities together", as we want everyone in Bolton to feel part of it.

“And they certainly did us proud this year.

“It's also brought to the forefront three charities that have supported the Asian community immensely.

“The event was also run by 40 volunteers, and everyone was really involved.”

The Bolton News: Homeless Aid overjoyed with the supportHomeless Aid overjoyed with the support (Image: Public)

People enjoyed a range of entertainment, including Master Chef finalist Dinish Patel who made a range of Indian style cakes, a raffle, home-made food created by the Bolton Halwa Centre, and a traditional Indian dance Garba that many took part in.

Sital said: “This is the third year we have done the event.

“I think £12k is very good going, and it’s because of the community we have been able to do this.

“I hope to raise even more next time, maybe even £15k.

“I would like to thank everyone who sponsored the event and put money in, and donated as well, including Scan Computers who donated some of the top prizes for the raffle.”

The money is already helping Homeless Aid purchase thermals to help people through the winter, and make sure they have some hot food over Christmas.

Boot Out Breast Cancer will spend their money on three head lamps and mastectomy bras.

Fort Alice will use their funds to help support younger children who come to them, especially helping babies by purchasing anything baby related.

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If you have a story and something you would like to highlight in the community, please email me at jasmine.jackson@newsquest.co.uk or DM me on Twitter @JournoJasmine.