An 11-year-old girl has helped bring a wandering horse in Sharples safely back to its owner this morning.

Animal lover Ava Whittaker was on her way to Thornleigh Salesian College at around 8:30am when she rushed through Sharples Avenue Estate after spotting the horse on the loose.

A passer-by then gave her a dog lead, which she wrapped around the horse’s neck.

Ellie Wittacker, Ava’s sister said: “She was in her Thornleigh uniform and went running through the estate for it.

“There was a passer-by who gave a dog lead to her.

“She wrapped the dog lead around its neck and then she just waited with the horse until the owner was found.”

The Bolton News: Ava bringing the lost horse to safetyAva bringing the lost horse to safety (Image: Public)

The horse is believed to be called Violet, and she has safely been brought back to her owner now thanks to those in the community sharing posts across social media.

Ellie and Ava are no strangers to horses because they have three horses of their own.

The lost horse was also captured on camera by another resident in the area who shared a picture with The Bolton News.

Ian Baskerville even managed to get the moment on camera after he had just finished dropping his son off at Sharples High School.

As he was returning to home to work from home via Thornham drive, he was taken aback when he saw the “highly unusual sighting” at around 8:15am.

He said: “I turned onto Andrew Lane and saw the horse coming down the road.

“It was 8.15am and it was heading unaccompanied towards Blackburn Road. 

“I stopped driving so I didn’t startle the horse and took the moment to get a video.  

“It was just a highly unusual sight as horses are usually on reigns, but this one was roaming free up the road.  Poor thing. 

“Glad it has been reunited with the owner now.”

Ian wondered whether Violet had come from a field opposite Dunscar Golf Club, because as you head out of the dip and up towards Egerton, he says a gate was a gate open.

But how far Violet ventured remains a mystery.

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