Plans have been launched to transform a car wash in Bolton.

The owners of the Meadows Service Station on Bury Road in the town want to get rid of the existing washing facilities.

In its place they want to install six electrical vehicle charging points, two new jet wash bays as well as a new substation enclosure.

Environmental Health at Bolton Council has commented on the proposals and suggested that numerous conditions are attached.

These  included opening hours of 8am and pm between Monday and Saturday as well as 10am and 8pm on Sunday and Bank Holidays.

The reasons were this were: “To safeguard the living conditions of residents and the amenity and character of the area with regard to noise and or disturbance.”

They also suggested no operations such as repair or movements of machinery should take place outside of 9am and 6pm between Monday and Friday and  also between 8am and 1pm on Saturday with none on Sunday or Bank Holidays.

They also recommended installing equipment to control the emissions of fumes and noise from the premises.