THEY might be the so-called "hardest rocking band in Bolton", but To The Bones frontman Rhys Bradley has a guilty secret.

When I ring for a chat, the hellraising singer was listening to none other than Lionel Richie.

It's unlikely that the crooner will have much of an effect on the band's forthcoming album, set for release on September 15, however.

Described as "scuzzed up, fuzzed out, full blooded future rock" by BBC Manchester, and lauded for their "marvellous urgency and intelligence" by Rocksound magazine, To The Bones are as far from the Dancing On The Ceiling singer as it is possible to be.

In fact, it seems that their current influences are a little more... martial.

Drummer Tom Evans, best thought of as the one who's cross between Animal from the muppets and a lovely puppy, said: "We had a very intensive band meeting last night trying to come up with album titles. There was a long list of suggestions - The Invasion of the Carnies was one - and Rhys and Wayne were posing in their new white, silk kung-fu suits just to encourage the artistic flair.

"It was a very productive meeting, I don't want to let the cat out of the bag, but I can let you know that white kung-fu suits infused the whole process. Our influences change from time to time, but this time it was kung-fu suits from eBay, ten pound."

Rhys, best thought of as the one who loves sunglasses and whisky, said: "Every single day's been absolutely mental, there's good news popping up everywhere. The label's been working like a maniac."

Having formerly been signed to Org Records in London, the band have recently switched to Medici, the label set up by former Kinesis guitarist Conor McGloin.

"Conor's working like an absolute trooper, he's really doing us proud," said Tom.

In addition to the album the band, completed by Wayne Riley (the one who takes his clothes off on stage) and Matt Evans (the one with the witty banter), will release a double A-side single on July 7.

One one side will be Sharkies Bones Symphony, the terrifying video for which is available to watch on YouTube and the band's MySpace, which will be backed by live favourite Sonic Mammoth.

"We're looking forward to finally getting the Sharkies single out because we've had a few false starts," said Tom. "We've made this video and we're really excited about it."

Other highlights of the past 12 months?

"Getting feedback from people saying they love the tracks and they're buzzing off them, that's pretty cool. Cause we know they're cool but we've been listening to them for months now and it's just good to get some official feedback.

"As soon as we get that first copy of the album, the actual physical copy with all the artwork and everything, that will be the highlight of the year, definitely.

"Rhys just said we're on a mission to find how cool we are. We're trying to find our inner chi, I think that's what the kung-fu suits were about.

"Rhys this morning was up at six o'clock, crack of dawn, in his garden doing yoga and tai-chi. He was! To Lionel Richie in the background with his aviators on in his kung-fu suit. It was a breathtaking sight"