Volunteers from an organisation in Bolton were recognised by the late Queen Elizabeth II for their service.

Free Cakes for Kids is just what it says in the name – an organisation which provides birthday and celebration cakes for those who would not normally receive one.

Although there are groups all around the country, the Bolton’s group has been running for over six years, and during that time has baked and donated hundreds of cakes.

The group comprises solely of volunteers who love to bake, but who also want to give something back to the community.

It is entirely self-funded, receiving no grants or financial help at all. The volunteers provide all the ingredients, packaging, decorations and transport costs themselves.

The Bolton News: The certificate they received signed by the late Queen Elizabeth IIThe certificate they received signed by the late Queen Elizabeth II (Image: Free Cakes for Kids)

Because of their work, the volunteers of Free Cakes for Kids Bolton have recently been honoured with the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service.

They and received their award from the High Sherriff of Greater Manchester at a ceremony held at The Monastery in Gorton.

Kath Harrison is one of Free Cakes for Kids’ longest serving volunteers.

She said: “We were absolutely overwhelmed to be honoured with this award.

"After all, to us it’s just enjoying our baking hobby but making a difference within the community.

“When we heard we were being nominated we didn't think we had a chance when you hear of all the other voluntary groups in the area.

“It was even more humbling when we attended the awards ceremony at The Monastery in Gorton.

"It’s such a beautiful setting and very appropriate for the occasion.”

It is not only young children who benefit from this service.

There are many young people who may not have the stability of a family background.

Many of these young people have also benefitted from a cake on their special day and for some, even at 18 or 21, it could be the first cake that they have ever had.

The Bolton News: Example of one of the cakesExample of one of the cakes (Image: Free Cakes for Kids)

This small gesture means so much and it shows that someone really does care about them.

Kath added: “At present we have about 12 volunteers who are all hobby bakers. Some retired, some work full time, some part time.

“Our love of baking is what brings us together, that and the desire to bring a little joy into other people’s lives, who are less fortunate than ourselves.”