A cricket coach has been recognised for inspiring the next generation.

Adam Wilson coaches the junior teams at Bradshaw Cricket Club voluntarily.

His work and dedication to the sport saw him invited to an awards ceremony.

The 36-year-old has an 18th chromosome abnormality that is categorised as a moderate learning disability, but he does not let that stop him from pursuing his passions.

Adam, who lives in Bromley Cross, has been recognised by Lancashire Cricket Foundation at a ceremony Old Trafford Cricket Ground.

Adam was presented with an award by Lancashire County Cricket Club’s director of cricket performance, Mark Chilton.

Adam has been coaching at Bradshaw since April this year but has been playing cricket since the age of 11.

He says he felt “proud and thrilled” to get the recognition from Lancashire Cricket Foundation.

He added: “I enjoy passing the skills I have learned while playing for Lancashire Super 9 Disability team onto the younger generation.

The Bolton News: Adam Wilson was interviewed by Rossendale Radio about his awardAdam Wilson was interviewed by Rossendale Radio about his award (Image: Al English)

“It has given me more confidence to go on and achieve more.”

Al English works with Adam through Bolton Council’s disability service. He said: “Adam very much inspires me. He puts so much time and effort into his passions and I can relate to that. He always has a smiling face and is very well liked around the community.

“I love seeing people do what they enjoy and think life is most rewarding when in pursuit of their passions.

“We all could learn a lot from Adam.”

The Bolton News: Adam Wilson at his allotment Adam Wilson at his allotment (Image: Al English)

Adam also counts his allotment in Chapeltown among his passions, which he has been tending to since 2010 and has revitalised from mere “shrubland”.

He said: “Twelve years later it is fully functioning with 15 beds growing carrots, potatoes, courgettes, corn, peas, beans and much more.

“It gets me out in the fresh air. I like seeing things grow which is why I think enjoy the cricket training with young people so much too.

The Bolton News: Adam Wilson and Al EnglishAdam Wilson and Al English (Image: Al English)

“It's very peaceful and quiet, relaxing place to be. I spend a great deal of time planning and maintaining during the winter months with my personal assistant workers.

Adam’s favourite things to grow are carrots and beans as he says that this year, they have been very successful and are easy to grow for anybody.