A porch in Bolton was damaged after a battery set alight, the fire service have confirmed.

The incident took place at a property on First Avenue in Little Lever last night, at around 7:30pm.

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service personnel attended the fire, with three fire engines from Farnworth Fire Station and one fire engine from Bolton Central Fire Station attending.

The property caught fire after a lithium-ion battery was stored incorrectly on a table.

Watch Manager Kevin Wright of Farnworth Fire Station said: “A cordless lithium-ion battery, they had it on charge, and have then taken it off charge and placed it on a table in the porch and it caught fire.

“The porch has been quite badly damaged, but thankfully the front door into the house was shut.”

Watch Manager Wright gave some guidance, saying: “Avoid leaving batteries on charge for long periods of time.”

He continued: “It was quite a small fire but quite disturbing for the victims. We were there for about an hour.

“Initially, three (fire engines) attended from Farnworth and one from Bolton Central, but the engine from Bolton Central left quite quickly.

“The family are fine, they’re shaken up but fine.”

If you come across a fire emergency, call 999 and ask for the fire service.