Firefighters have welcomed a decision by inspectors to remove a ‘cause of concern’ over how their service responds to ‘marauding terrorist attacks.’  

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service had been placed under a cause of concern by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services in 2021.

At the time, inspectors felt at the time the service was ‘unprepared’ to respond to a terrorist attack, like the Manchester Arena bombing on 2017, but now with progress made in training more than 1,000 firefighters this cause of concern has now been removed.

Deputy Chief Fire Officer Ben Norman said: “As GMFRS strives to become a modern, flexible and resilient fire and rescue service, it is investing in what matters most to the Service: its people, its communities, and its future ensuring it is prepared to respond to any type of emergency.

The Bolton News: Deputy Chief Fire Officer Ben Norman (Credit: GMFRS)Deputy Chief Fire Officer Ben Norman (Credit: GMFRS)

“The safety of our communities and our colleagues is our priority.

“Our firefighters are being provided with the right training and kit to keep themselves safe whilst delivering the crucial emergency support needed in whatever situation they may find themselves in.

“By April 2023 we will equip every fire appliance in Greater Manchester with specialist equipment to support a timely and effective multi-agency response to a Marauding Terrorist Attack or a Mass Casualty Rescue incident.”

The inspectors regularly assess police and fire services across the country and were concerned in 2021 over Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue’s apparent lack of capability to deal with terror attacks.

This was particularly sensitive with the service having already apologised for serious failings in dealing with the Manchester Arena bombing of 2017.

But the service has now developed its training in dealing with ‘marauding terrorist attacks’ and in coping with large numbers of casualties.

This has included three-day training programmes underway since April this year and two day trauma courses with full day practical sessions where fire fighters deal with scenarios involving various partner agencies.

The service estimates that more than 1,100 operational crews and officers will have completed their training at GMFRS’ Training and Safety Centre by April 2023.

ALSO READ: Manchester arena bombing victims remembered on fifth anniversary

ALSO READ: Thousands of runners to mark five-year anniversary of Manchester Arena bombing

GMFRS has also come to an agreement with the Fire Brigades’ Union on how to respond to events like these.

DCFO Norman said: “Thanks to positive collaboration between GMFRS and the Fire Brigades’ Union and the signing of a collective agreement in April 2022, our new MTA capability will ensure our firefighters and officers are safe, while significantly improving the response we will be able to provide in the event of a terrorist attack or a casualty rescue.”