A man who was caught with a large knife late at night in Bolton claims he was using it to bury his mother-in-law’s dead kitten.

Mohammed Q Mahmood, 25, is on trial for possessing a blade in a public place after being caught by officers on Stephens Street on February 16, this year at around 11pm during an alleged attempt to buy drugs.

The jury heard how officers say they found the 15cm Japanese-made knife, which locks in several places, in Mahmood’s waistband along with around £40 worth of cannabis in four snap bags, which he said was for "personal use".

Ben Berkson, prosecuting, said: “This appears to be another blot on the graph showing the disturbing correlation between knife crime and drugs.”

He added that it was a "potentially dangerous weapon" and that he believed Mahmood intended to use the knife to protect himself while buying drugs.

Mr Berkson told the court how Mahmood, of Little Horton Lane in Bradford, had been one of two men noticed by the officers - the other man ran off.

The prosecutor explained that no one disputed that Mahmood had in fact been carrying the knife. Instead, they have been disputing the purpose of the blade.

PC Sutherland of Greater Manchester Police, who was one of the arresting officers, gave evidence and told the jury that he and his colleagues stopped Mahmood at around 11pm after noticing the smell of cannabis.

On searching Mahmood, they found the knife in his waistband, which he claimed he had for lawful purposes.

Mahmood told the officers that his mother-in-law’s cat had given birth and that one of the kittens had died.

He said that he was going to use the knife to dig a hole to make a grave for the dead pet.

The court was shown bodycam footage taken by the officers of the incident.

But Geoffrey Lowe, defending, argued that the knife could indeed be used for this purpose and that it appeared to be an implement better suited for sawing and cutting than for any offensive purposes.

He said: “It’s obviously not a professional knife with a sharp blade is it?”

The trial continues.