Crucial plans for the future of Bolton Market are set to be decided later this week.

The proposal will, if approved, see a large new food hall extension built on the historic market along with a new outdoor market and more general refurbishments as part of the council’s £22.9m town’s fund programme.

But the plans comes amid an extremely challenging time for the roughly 200 stall holders, with some saying that more must be done to support those who are already there and who have been battered first by the pandemic and now the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.

The Bolton News: The plans include a new food hall and outdoor spaceThe plans include a new food hall and outdoor space

Martin Farrimond, who runs the Unsworth Delicatessen stall, said: “I’ve seen what’s been suggested and I’ve been to a few meetings with the council but for me, they need to concentrate on the bread-and-butter issues.”

He added: “The money, in my opinion, would be better used supporting traders who love their jobs, who love trading and who’ve been there 30, 40, 50 years.

“What they’ve got to understand is that they can have their new buildings and make it as pretty as they want but if people here can’t afford the rent then its not going to make any difference.”

The Bolton News: Planners hope this will help bring more visitors to the townPlanners hope this will help bring more visitors to the town

If approved, the new food hall will be extended to New Street, on the southern side, while the new outdoor marker will be extended to Ashburner Street on the northern side.

There will also be a new service road and loading bays.

The council say that they will take steps to ensure that trading is not disrupted and hope the development will attract more visitors.

The Bolton News: The plans will go before Bolton Council this weekThe plans will go before Bolton Council this week

A spokesperson said: “Using money from the government’s Towns Fund we will be making significant improvements to the market, alongside other projects to improve connectivity to the rest of the town centre.

“All businesses will remain open every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9am to 5pm while work is carried out.

“Pedestrian access via Black Horse Street will remain open throughout, while the car park entrance has been temporarily moved to Ormrod Street.”

The plan will be decided at a meeting of Bolton Council’s planning committee on Wednesday.