The father of a brave youngster who underwent treatment for leukaemia is to thank the organisations which provided so much support to his family.

Sophie Gamble, aged seven, was diagnosed with the illness two years ago.

In December, the youngster from Bromley Cross, rang the bell at Manchester Children's Hospital to mark the end of successful treatment.

The Bolton News:

Dad Rob is running the London Marathon and the Manchester half marathon in Ocotober, just days after the other.

He said: “When she rang the bell it is a lovely event to signify a massive milestone for Sophie. It was a very emotional day for all of us.

“I wanted to do something to help the charities that have helped us.

“Plus, I needed something to focus on for my own health and mental health as it was quite overwhelming once treatment had finished for Sophie.”

The Bolton News:

Sophie will still have check-ups at the hospital for the next 10 years.

READ MORE: Bolton 7-year-old battling leukaemia meets Liverpool FC players

Rob grew his hair out when Sophie’s started growing back so that he could raise as much money as possible, getting to £10k so far in total and close to £6k for his upcoming marathons.

Rob said: “For the last three years Leukaemia had consumed our lives, you think of nothing else really, I try to function normally, put a smile on my face but it has been tough for all of us.

“Sophie’s diagnosis felt as though our safety net had been pulled, you go from seeing the doctors and nurses nearly every week to see you in six weeks.

“Just because she has finished treatment, doesn’t mean that we still don’t think about leukaemia, the drugs and what it has done to our girl. “

Sophie had 604 doses of chemotherapy.

The charities the family are supporting include, Milly's Smiles, Macmillan, Fight like a Kid, and Young Lives Vs Cancer.

Rob said: “My initial aim was for £3k for doing the London marathon in October this year.

“To help me get to my target I grew my hair when Sophie's hair started to grow back after her being bald until she finished treatment.

“Which was about June 2020 until February this year.

“I would love to get to £6k now with only being £250 off that target.”

Sophie previously met her Liverpool FC heroes such as Mo Salah, Jordan Henderson, Alisson Becker at their final against Chelsea this year.

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