Patients missed nearly 100 appointments a week at a doctor's surgery which is experiencing 'exceedingly high' demand.

The number of missed appointments at Kearsley Medical Centre (KMC) was revealed after councillors received concerns about the accessibilty to the surgery,

Cllr Debbie Newall visited the medical centre recentlyand told The Bolton News that around one in eight appointments have been missed over recent weeks.

The practice confirmed that 99 appointments had been missed without notice on average in the three weeks before her visit.

Cllr Newall, of One Kearsley, said: “I challenged KMC staff about this figure as it seemed quite high”

“Patients may have very good reasons for being unable to attend but it is still surprising that one in eight patients are unable to notify KMC that they will not be able to make their appointment.”

She added: “Given that patients have difficulty in getting through to KMC I think that the practice should explore other ways of facilitating the cancellation by patients who no longer require these appointments.  

“With the technological advances being used by the NHS nowadays it is surprising that there is no facility for the patient to respond to the reminder text messages or to another number in order to cancel the appointment.”

The Bolton News:

Kearsley Medical Centre, on Jackson Street, Kearsley

Kearsley Medical Centre is now back to its pre-pandemic levels of activity with an average of 750 GP appointments offered ever week.

Cllr Newall heard on her visit that the practice is trying out a number of initiatives to accommodate this extra demand and ensure patients are seen in a timely manner.

This incudes the introduction of a new telephone system, along with messaging patients about ordering prescriptions which it is hoped will free up receptionists and call staff time.

Practice partner Dr George Ogden said: “Demand in general practice is exceedingly high at the moment and this is replicated at Kearsley Medical Centre.

“I would like to thank patients and the councillors for their ongoing support.’’

Cllr Newall has confirmed she will be visiting the centre four times a year for updates that she can relay to residents.