Police, highways officers and councillors will meet residents concerned about speeding on their road.

Old Road in Astley Bridge is currently being used as a cut through as major roads works take place on the Crompton Way and Moss Bank Way. And the road has been the scene of a number of accidents.

The meeting on July 11 is being held to discuss ways of making the road safer.

Ward councillor, Hilary Fairclough said she had received a number of complaints of speeding on the road and crashes.

She said: “I have arranged a community meeting with the police and Bolton Council’s highways officers to look at issues that concern the community and one of those I know is Old Road.

“Residents are seeing issues with drivers cutting through and speeding down Old Road.

“There isn’t much protection for the houses as there are no gardens, so they want to see if we can find a solution.”

The meeting will also discuss any other issues in the community that arise.

Cllr Fairclough said: “People are trying to avoid the junction at Blackburn Road, but they are going through Old Road to get to Moss Bank Way.

“This has made it difficult for people living there to use the roads.

“They say it’s always busy and dangerous especially as there are children out as well, it’s a residential area.”

The recent spike in crime around Astley Bridge may also be brought.

Police recently increased patrol in areas where car crime had increased.

Officers were in unmarked cars or plain clothes in order to try and tackle the issue, which is concentrated in the area of Hawarden Street.

Cllr Fairclough said: "It’s a big job as there’s not many officers in Astley Bridge.

"The difficulty is they are incredibly hard to catch. They’re not going to do it if police are around, are they?

"I’m pleased that they are taking it seriously, because residents did raise concerns that it wasn’t taken seriously.”

Residents can email Cllr Fairclough with other concerns at Hilary.fairclough@bolton.gov.uk The meeting will take place at 8pm at the Baptist Church on Eden Street.

The meeting is open to anyone in the Astley Bridge area but priority will be given to those who have registered with Cllr Fairclough