A prestigious school has been honoured after pupils put in almost 10,000 hours of voluntary work.

Bolton School announced this week it had been given the certificate of achievement from the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme thanks to the incredible work its pupils had done.

Between April 1 last year and March 31 2022 they had volunteered for a total of 9,555 hours, the equivalent of £44,144.10 worth of work.

A statement from Bolton School said: “The certificate, which will be proudly displayed in the School said: ‘We are immensely proud of the dedication, effort and achievement of young people making an impact in their community’. 

“Earlier in the term, pupils from both divisions enjoyed a Duke of Edinburgh Celebration Evening when girls and boys picked up their gold and silver awards.

“Separate assemblies have to be held to make the awards to those receiving their bronze certificates, which all Year 9 pupils achieve.

“This year saw 26 girls alone achieve their gold award, the highest number in recent years. 

“Mr Philip Britton, head of foundation, congratulated the pupils on their amazing achievements in what had been very difficult circumstances.

“He praised them for being imaginative in completing their service, physical and skills sections of the awards.”