A Bolton man who harassed a woman and made threats to "slit her throat" and "shoot her dad" has been jailed.

Andrew Boyne, of Pennine Road, Horwich, was first reported to the police in December last year for making threats. 

Bolton Crown Court heard he persisted to harass the woman who lived near him for three months after this.

The conduct began when he approached her when she was with a friend in December.

James Preece, prosecuting, said: “Before the friend could drive off he appeared at the driver’s side window and tapped on the glass.

“He raised his finger and said I am angry, I am going to slit your throat, I am going to shoot your dad.”

The matter was reported to the police and Boyne was spoken to but his conduct persisted for three months.

He repeatedly knocked on the door, left unwanted gifts, added the woman on Facebook through another account and made a comment from an old post about her being in a relationship.

In March the woman’s mother saw him leave his home and approach a car which he tried to get into but could not.

He later came outside and could be seen carrying a kitchen knife.

Police were called and the 43-year-old was arrested.

It later emerged he was in debt to drug dealers at the time.

Mr Preece added that a letter of apology had been posted to the woman from prison.

Boyne appeared in court to be sentenced after admitting harassment and possession of a knife.

Martin Pizzey, defending, said he had been in custody since his arrest and this was the longest he had been off drugs in 25 years and he had "seen the benefits of that".

Jailing Boyne for eight months, Recorder Simon Hilton told him: “What stands out is a very unpleasant incident that really started this pattern of behaviour.

“On December 11 last year when you accosted her in the car with a friend you threatened to slit her throat and shoot her father.

“She was abused living in her home, she was abused going out in the car and getting back into her home.”