A BOLTON man is set to take on British Red Cross challenge to support refugees.

Paul Remic is running, cycling and walking 160 miles in June as part of the British Red Cross’ "Miles for Refugees" challenge.

This is the equivalent of a journey from Tunis to Sicily, which is a journey a refugee might be forced to make in search of safety.

The money raised will go towards the charity’s work supporting refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK.

Mr Remic said: “My granddad was from Yugoslavia and was welcomed in Liverpool after escaping from an Italian prisoner of war camp during World War II.

“I think it’s shocking that we don’t always extend the same compassion to vulnerable people who need protecting today.

“I’m looking forward to doing Miles for Refugees. I know I won’t change the world but it’s a step in the right direction and I know my family will be proud of me.”

British Red Cross teams are supporting people from Ukraine arriving at ports and airports in Northern England and throughout the UK.

With more than 6m people forced to leave their homes in Ukraine this year, and ongoing crises in Syria and Afghanistan and around the world, standing with refugees is more important than ever, says the charity.

Alex Fraser, director of refugee support and restoring family links for the British Red Cross, said:​ “People who have had to leave their countries due to war, persecution, extreme famine or devastating natural disasters have experienced the worst things in life.

“We have seen just how heart-breaking these journeys have been for families arriving in the UK. 

“The British Red Cross has been calling for a kinder, more compassionate asylum system to support people who have been forced to leave their home behind and take dangerous journeys.

“We believe every refugee matters.

“A wave of people in the UK clearly care about people seeking refuge and asylum in the UK. Remarkably, we are seeing so many eager to help personally.

By taking part in Miles for Refugees this June, you are showing the very best of humankind.”

To sign up for Miles for Refugees visit British Red Cross’ website.