THE cost-of-living crisis has got most people searching for cheaper alternatives for their day-to-day expenditures, so we tried out a takeaway food app which sells off stock for cheap that would otherwise be thrown out to let you know what we think.

"Too Good To Go" is by no means a new app that has been brought in to combat the economical issues of the day, but it’s a handy tool for people who are struggling to manage their finances but still want the occasional takeaway treat.

Established in 2015 and serving its first customer in 2016, the app’s foremost aim is to reduce food waste.

In Bolton, there are a number of food and drinks outlets to choose from on the app, including Starbucks, Costa, Coffee, Toby Carvery and Morrisons, each of which fills up a ‘Magic Bag’ with a variety of goodies at reduced price.

We, however, opted for Greggs, and a Magic Bag advertised to be worth £8 for £2.59.

The Bolton News: Greggs, DeansgateGreggs, Deansgate

It’s worth noting that vegetarians and vegans may be disappointed, as there is no guarantee that traders will have those options at the end of the day.

The app is very simple to use, with clear instructions and information about what you can expect.

Once ordered for a specific time window – in this case between 6.30pm and 7pm, the app provides you with code to display upon collection and directions of how to get to your chosen store.

Once ordered, all that was left to do was walk to the chosen Greggs shop, head up to the counter and show a code, before staff handed over the bag of pot-luck pastry goodies.

Staff explained that it was a very popular service – most days all the available Magic Bags were snapped up, so you’ve got plan in advance if you want to secure one.

The Bolton News: The contents of the 'Magic Bag'The contents of the 'Magic Bag'

Our bag contained a Roast Chicken & Bacon Club Baguette, a Sausage Roll and a Vegan Sausage Roll, a Chicken Bake, and a Jammy Heart Biscuit which, according to Greggs' price list on their website, would ordinarily cost a total of £7.80.

All in all, the service is certainly something we can recommend – it is great value for money and helps to reduce food waste at the same time.

One drawback that we found was the lack of options available. If you happy with cafes and supermarkets, the options are just fine, but the lack of a more substantial meal, particularly in the evening, was a little frustrating.