A SECONDARY school has turned its fortunes around to be lifted out of the 'requires improvement' category.

Kearsley Academy has been marked as a good school in all categories following a two day inspection.

And governors say the report proves the academy has undergone rapid transformation 'thanks to he relentless application of the trust’s northern model of school improvement'.

They added: "This, coupled with the determination of senior leaders and staff, and the support of governors, has led to this magnificent achievement for a school which was once struggling."

The school is run by the Northern Education Trust.

Ofsted inspectors praised the improvements.

Inspectors found that pupils 'benefit from regular praise and encouragement, and are supported to be confident and resilient learners'.

The report stated: “Students benefit from regular praise and encouragement, and are supported to be confident and resilient learners. They appreciate the help they receive from teachers, who have high expectations of what students can and should achieve. And overall, students achieve well.”

Young people told inspectors that the strong culture of praise helps them to feel a sense of motivation.

Ofsted commented: "This can be seen throughout the whole of the academy, when students take the initiative and applaud each other’s achievements in lessons, and celebrate each other’s work on proud Thursdays."

Pupils also told inspectors that they feel safe at school, and know they can talk to a member of staff if they have any concerns and are happy and proud to attend Kearsley Academy.

Inspectors noted the high expectations that teachers have of student behaviour, with students appreciating the fair systems in place to manage this.

As a result, students behave well.

First class result for Kearsley Academy

First class result for Kearsley Academy

The ambitions that leaders have for all students were also noted, with leaders ensuring that all students, including those with SEND, are given the opportunities that they need to succeed.

Inspectors were impressed with the curriculum, which ensures that students gain the breadth and depth of knowledge needed across a range of subjects, and they praised the fact that the number of students who study the English Baccalaureate is steadily rising year on year.

Executive Principal Dean Buckley said: “We are over the moon that Ofsted recognise the incredible hard work that has been done to improve our school. The children here are wonderful young people and they deserve the very best education we can give them. This judgement reflects the ongoing support, commitment and hard work of all involved from students and staff, to parents, governors and of course, Northern Education Trust. We will never become complacent - we will keep on doing all that we can do to enhance the life chances of the children and young people in our care.”

Rob Tarn, Chief Executive, added: “I am delighted and proud that Ofsted have seen and acknowledged the improvements that have taken place to make Kearsley Academy a good school. This could not have been achieved without the dedicated support and commitment of trustees, governors, and staff. A special thanks goes to our wonderful students for their hard work and their families for their support.