THE WIDOW of a Bolton businessman who was fatally stabbed at a Luton home told a jury that the teenager accused of his murder shouted: “I will kill him. I will kill him.”

Shehnaz Khan said she was sitting in their family’s Range Rover in Dorrington Close, Luton, with her daughter when the 16-year-old ran up.

She told Luton Crown Court: “He ran to the side of the car and he was swearing. He said: ‘You are a bitch. You are a m….. f….. You are a pussy. You are dead.”

Mrs Khan said the boy ran into the house where he is alleged to have used a kitchen knife to stab her 63-year-old husband, Ghulam Raja.

“He went in. The noise carried on for a minute or two. Then it went quiet. Then I saw the police cars,” she said.

After the stabbing the 16-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, uploaded six or seven seconds of footage from his mobile phone of Mr Raja lying wounded on a bed.

Mrs Khan went to the police station and then to the Luton and Dunstable hospital for treatment for high blood pressure. While waiting she said saw the Snapchat footage.

Father-of-two Mr Raja, of Wentworth Avenue, Bolton had travelled with his wife and daughter to Luton on Monday November 15 last year to visit his mother. They arrived at around 3.37pm and a dispute broke out.

Mr Raja lost a lot of blood and was taken by ambulance to the Luton and Dunstable hospital. He was given a CT scan which showed significant brain injuries. He was transferred to Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, where he died on November 20.

At the start of the trial the judge, Mr Justice John Cavanagh told the jury that the 16-year-old boy accepts he inflicted the injuries.

The boy has pleaded not guilty to murder, claiming he was acting in self-defence or defence or another person and did not intend to kill or cause Mr Raja really serious injury.

Cross-examined by Naeem Mian QC, Mrs Khan said she had not assaulted a woman who lived at the house in Dorrington Close.

She said: “She attacked me. I pushed her with my left hand.”

Asked about red marks on the side of the woman’s face and forehead she said she was beating herself. “She was hysterical,” she said.

The jury was told that Mrs Khan had gone to the address with her son and daughter on January 31 last year when her husband was stuck in Pakistan because of covid restrictions.

When they arrived they were met by Bedfordshire police officers who said they could not visit because of the coronavirus rules in the UK at the time.

The trial continues.