A rally will be taking place tomorrow to highlight the importance of safe and healthy workplaces.

On April 28, Bolton Trades Union Council will mark International Workers Memorial Day with the theme of 'Safe and Healthy work is a fundamental right.'

International Workers Memorial Day commemorates all those who are killed at work each year.

The rally, which will take place in Bolton's Victoria Square, will see Bolton workers uniting to remember those who have died in work, and those still living but suffering the consequences of an industrial injury by holding a minute's silence at 11am.

Kevin Allsop, Secretary of Bolton Trades Council said: “We assemble every year to remind ourselves that lives are lost needlessly because employers take risks with our wellbeing in the pursuit of profit.

"Every year our workers pay investors’ dividends with their lives and blood yet year on year successive governments have reduced the effectiveness of the Health and Safety Executive meaning that fewer and fewer workplaces are inspected putting the wellbeing of more workers at risk.

"We call upon the government to increase the power and resources available to the Health and Safety Executive and send a clear warning to employers that if they take risks with workers' lives then their bottom line will suffer and they run a very real risk of a custodial sentence.”

Ben Jackson Branch Secretary of GMMH UNISON Branch said: “My father, Barry, died in an industrial accident in 1970, before the introduction of The Health and Safety at Work Act.

"My mother had to fight in court to try to hold the employer responsible.

"My mother had four young children and was given only £500 to compensate her.

"Despite the UK now having the incredibly important Health and Safety legislation workers do still die in work not just in this country but all around the world where there are zero protections for workers in unsafe workplaces including children.

"We can't be complacent and in memory of all the dead workers and the impacted loved ones, trade unions and workers must stand together to fight for safe and ecologically responsible workplaces across the planet.

"Stand up in memory of dead workers but also demand all workplaces put the health and safety of workers first."

Andrea Egan Bolton Unison's branch secretary, said: “There are no short cuts to peoples’ health and well-being.

"Workers need to be assured that their safety is paramount in the workplace.

"Where there are trade union organisations in Bolton’s workplaces, we will demand the very best health and safety for our workers.”

The rally will begin at 9.45am, with everyone meeting at the UNISON office before setting off at 10.15am from the office to the town centre.

Wreaths will then be assembled in front of the war memorial, with a minute's silence.

There will be short speeches made and then light refreshments at the Socialist Club.