A memorial was unveiled yesterday morning, Wednesday, at Bolton Parish Church to commemorate coronavirus victims.

The memorial at the town centre church consists of a new oak tree and a bench with a plaque.

Mayor of Bolton Linda Thomas highlighted how she and the High Sheriff of Greater Manchester, Diane Hawkins, wanted to commemorate the victims of the pandemic.

She said: “The High Sheriff and I planned a memorial tree and bench. We realised we haven’t got a town memorial and wanted something to rally around.

The Bolton News: Representatives from local NHS groups and faith groups were present.Representatives from local NHS groups and faith groups were present.

“It’s important to remember this.

"However, you’ve been affected by Covid, this memorial is here for you.

"Whatever your faith is, or if you don’t have a faith, you’re welcome.

“It can mean anything to anybody.”

The mayor also emphasised how the memorial was an “opportunity to thank the frontline workers.”

High Sheriff Hawkins, also spoke to The Bolton News about the memorial.

The Bolton News: The Mayor and the High Sheriff were both very fond of the idea.The Mayor and the High Sheriff were both very fond of the idea.

High Sheriff Hawkins, who is from Bolton, reflected on how Covid has affected the town.

She said: “It is an excellent idea to recognise what we as a town has been through.

"Everyone has been touched, whether it’s having long Covid or knowing someone who has died from it.

“It’s a great place to come out on your lunch break, to sit and have your sandwiches and just watch the world go by.”

The Bolton News: The memorial was described as a good place to "watch the world go by"The memorial was described as a good place to "watch the world go by"

A service was conducted by the Vicar of Bolton, Reverend Canon Dr Chris Bracegirdle, before the unveiling of the bench.

Representatives from various groups were present, including NHS and faith organisations.

The current Bolton Parish Church has been functioning since 1871, but there has been religious activity on the grounds for over 1,200 years, according to the Vicar of Bolton.

For more information, the church’s website is boltonparishchurch.co.uk or you can call the Parish Office on 01204 522226.