A WOMAN is appealing for help after a Louis Vuitton handbag “of great sentimental value” was lost and possibly stolen.

Hannah Allen-Moss says that her bag was lost on the evening of April 5 after it was mistakenly left on the roof of her car by her boyfriend while they were outside the Tavern Pub on Market Street, Stoneclough.

The bag then fell off the roof of the car and onto the road before it was picked up by someone else who, according to Ms Allen-Moss, then drove off with it.

She said: “I was not aware that the bag was on the roof until I returned back to the scene around 30 minutes later, where I spoke with a house which had CCTV footage of me reversing out of the side street onto the main road, and the CCTV footage witnesses a car behind me stop when the bag falls, get out of his car and pick the bag up and drive off.”

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Ms Allen-Moss says she then tried to find out who the other driver may have been.

She said: “The car is a Grey Volkswagen.

“Passers-by describe the man in the vehicle to be an old-ish man.

“My phone was in the handbag, and it has still been ringing up until now.

“I don't know if it has been switched of or the battery has died. I have reported it to the police, but nothing has been done as of yet.”

Ms Allen-Moss explained that despite having lost her phone and other things inside the bag, recovering the bag itself is most important to her given its sentimental value and how hard it would be to replace.

She said: “The bag is of a great sentimental value to me and is very important to me.

“I am more bothered about the bag than the phone and other things inside, and it will be virtually impossible for me to replace this bag or find it again.”

Ms Allen-Moss’s bag is a white Louis Vuitton handbag with multicoloured symbols and tan coloured handles.

Anyone with any information can contact police on 101.

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