A THUG who refused to accept that his relationship with a woman was over, embarked on a campaign of threats and assaults against her.

Bolton Crown Court heard how 24-year-old Daniel Daniels went to live with his girlfriend on release from prison after serving a sentence for robbery.

Craig MacGregor, prosecuting, told the court that the relationship ended in December 2019 but within a fortnight he had begun excessively abusing alcohol and cocaine.

"You embarked upon what I consider to be a campaign of troubling behaviour towards her," Recorder Sarah Johnson told Daniels.

On New Year's Eve he pushed her and again assaulted her on January 7.

The following day drunken Daniels returned to her home, was frightening and aggressive, and armed himself with a large kitchen knife.

He threatened the woman with the weapon, before punching her several times, leaving her with a bruised face and arms.

Daniels, of Crummock Grove, Farnworth, pleaded guilty to assault, affray and possessing a knife and was jailed for 19 months.

Alexandra Sutton, defending, stressed that Daniels has no previous convictions for domestic violence and that he was capable of making progress with his rehabilitation.

"There was a change in your personal circumstances which you have not dealt with well at all," Recorder Johnson told him.

"When taking drink and cocaine you have become a menace. It is right for you, Mr Daniels, to reflect upon how those substances make you behave in the future."