ROCK Hall needs you ­— that's the call from the organisation working to save the historic building in Moses Gate Country Park for the community to use.

Charity Banana Enterprise has been invited to submit a £3m funding bid to the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

The bid has to be in by May 26.

But as part of that process the Heritage Fund require the charity to raise 10 per cent towards their project.

Charity invited to bid for £3 M to restore Farnworth's Rock Hall

This means £150,000 is needed by September 2022 and a further £150,000 by September 2023.

Jayne Allman, the charity's CEO, said they have never asked the public for money before but the help of the public is needed now more than ever before.

She said: "It’s a requirement of the National Lottery Heritage Fund that we make this 10 per cent 'partnership contribution' to the project.

"If we do not raise the money needed by September, the project will not be allowed to proceed, even if we write a successful funding bid in May.

"We have never asked the public for money over the past two years working on the project, but now we need their help."

The charity is encouraging people to get involved in their fundraising campaign by taking up their 1807 Challenge – named because Rock Hall was built in 1807.

They are asking people to raise £18.07 or for those who are brave to raise £1,807 each by organsing fundraising activities.

These can include baking cakes, sponsored runs, dress up day at work, sponsored read, sponsored litter pick etc.

The charity are also planning a Buy a Brick campaign and other activities to help raise the funds needed, with quarter bricks priced at £2, half bricks at £5 and full bricks at £10, plus special bricks at £500.

Rock Hall is a Grade 2 listed building and it’s the last remaining building linked to the industrial heritage of the area, where paper making was part of the local economy for over 250 years.

The hall is currently owned by Bolton Council and was used by them until 2014, it has been closed since.

Future plans are to turn into a focal point for the community.

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