RESIDENTS have called for action to be taken after the latest dangerous crash to have occurred on their road.

The collision happened on Harper Green Road on January 28 when a car hit a set of traffic lights before hitting a house.

Parents in particular have been concerned about accidents happening while children are going to and from school.

One local resident said: "It is an absolute traffic nightmare for residents.

"This is the street where several cars have crashed into people's homes and parked cars in the last few years, "Cars travel at 50 to 60mph in a 20mph zone on a daily basis, and race each other up the road nightly.

"The road is dangerous, and the carnage at the top of the road, at the traffic lights proves it.

"Someone is going to get hurt or killed, something needs to be done and soon."

Nearly a year ago an out-of-control Ford Focus hit two parked cars while the next month two women were injured when a car smashed into a junction with a tree at the junction of Carnation Road.

Cllr Hamid Khurram, who represents the area on Bolton Council, said that local people had again expressed their concerns after the latest crash.

He said: "Basically we've had this issue for a long time, on Harper Green Road and Bradford Road we've had these issues.

"I campaigned for speed cameras since when I was first elected."

"But the problem is we're very low down on the list, we're 300 and something on the list for consideration.

"We are keeping on with the campaign for cameras but unfortunately we are very low down on the list."

But Cllr Kurram said he hopes the most recent incident will make the authorities think again and prioritise Harper Green.

He said: "There is a school here and in the whole area we've had trouble with speeders. We'll keep working and pushing the council on this. That is my view, the only solution is speed cameras on the road."