LITTER pickers in Kearsley have filled up 84 bags with cannabis soil which was dumped by fly-tippers in the area.

Kearsley Ward Councillor, Tracey Wilkinson, bagged up the cannabis soil after it was dumped in black bin bags on Stoneclough Road before Sylvia Crossley, a Farnworth and Kearsley litter picker reported it to the council.

This is just one of many flytipping incidents that have been cleared this month and Sylvia said the council are working hard to ‘find the culprits’.

She said: “The council and enforcement officers are under immense pressure to sort out fly-tipping and find the culprits who constantly dump stuff.

“We tend to highlight it and take action. The cannabis soil has a distinct smell and small brown balls for drainage.

“There was no evidence found and no CCTV to tell us who did the fly-tipping, and the bags were dumped in mud.

“Our Kearsley councillor kindly re-bagged it and left it on the pathway for pick up and it’s all reported.”

Sylvia said this isn’t the first time cannabis soil has been found within fly-tipping, so it doesn’t come as a shock to litter pickers anymore.

There has also been cannabis soil fly-tipping near the Giant seat and Green Lane, Century Lodge, Baker Street and some of them in Stoneclough.

Sylvia said: “The cannabis soil doesn’t really come as a shock. We would normally empty the bags and recycle it if it was in woodland. In this case we couldn’t.”

Cllr Wilkinson said for people to show such a lack of respect is not acceptable.

She said: “Across Farnworth and Kearsley we have the most incredible teams of volunteers who day in day out are on the streets litter picking, tackling grot spots and beautifying unloved areas.

“It’s heartbreaking when you wake up to yet another area that’s been targeted and used for dumping unwanted waste.

“The residents volunteer time because they love where they live and for others to have a lack of respect and total disregard is not acceptable.

“Fly-tipping has become a huge issue in many areas across the borough which is putting huge pressures on council resources.

“I am personally thankful to every single resident who’s willing to roll up their sleeves and get involved.”