A RESIDENT in Farnworth is angry over the amount of rubbish that continues to be dumped outside his home every week.

The man, who doesn’t want to be named, said he is fed up of rubbish being left on his street, St Gregory’s Close, because it isn’t fair on people who live close by or the people who pick up the litter.

He said: “Every week there is rubbish. Most of the rubbish must be coming from people who live in the area. It’s not flytipping this, sometimes it's mattresses and fridges but this rubbish is from people in the area dumping cans, bottles and gas canisters.

“There are people who give up their own valuable time picking all this rubbish up.

“It’s such a shame because it could be a lovely area, it’s got a fishing lodge, a school and people use it as a cut-through into Farnworth and then you’ve got all this rubbish gathering up.

“I can see all the rubbish outside my kitchen window and it’s not nice to see, there are rats too.

“All the volunteers who pick up the rubbish have to do the work for the council. On Derby Street it’s the same people who work for the council, going up and down the street keeping it tidy but I see nobody on Newbury."

Farnworth and Kearsley Litter Pickers teamed up with John Dwyer and Michelle Barrett and successfully filled 39 bags full of rubbish. They say flytipping and rubbish is a continuous problem at Century Lodge.

Sylvia Crossley, one of the litter pickers, said: “Over the past year it’s got out of hand. It’s a massive job to maintain but we are nearly at the end of clearing it and the council have supported us by removing after we clear it.

“The residents have added to our pile of bags and flytip. We had to laugh as its better there than dumped in the trees. So my feeling is. They want it kept tidy, hopefully, we need to stay positive.

“We have started weekly visits to this area as flytipping is rife on Century Lodge.

“Litter picking and tidying up the paths is next on our list and we hope to deliver flyers to residents to help to clean up where they live. Our councillor, Paul Sanders, is valued as he helps with any problems and joins us to do litter picks when he can.”