Russell WBHO construction firm has made a £1,500 donation to Royal Bolton Hospital’s Neonatal Unit.

Rather than sending its employees Christmas cards, the construction firm has made making charitable donations its annual festive tradition, with staff invited to nominate causes close to their heart.

The beneficiary was chosen by employee Olivia Lea, whose twin nephews, Theo and Isaac, spent three months in the unit and the money will go towards a twin cot.

Olivia said: “Nominating Our Bolton NHS Charity felt like a really meaningful way to say thank you and give something back to all the amazing nurses on Bolton Neonatal Unit.”

The twins’ mum, Michaela, said: “The nurses were so warm, loving and inclusive that we look back on our time on the unit as something really special. Despite the worry and uncertainty, the unit became our home, and the nurses became our friends.”

Gareth Russell, joint managing director of Russell WBHO, said: “Of all the nominations this year, Olivia’s stood out and it was clear which charity should receive the donation. We were all moved by her sister’s story and delighted that – thanks to the care the family received at the Royal Bolton Hospital – the boys were home for Christmas.”