A WELL-known doctor from Bolton and the person whose life he saved will be reunited at a special gala dinner.

Mum-of-two Natalie Kerr is staging a special fundraising dinner to mark 10 years of having double-lung transplant.

The 40-year-old who worked as a nurse at the Royal Bolton Hospital was diagnosed with the rare condition, Idiopathic pulmonary hypertension in 2008, whilst giving birth to her daughter Isabelle at the Royal Bolton Hospital.

The Bolton News: Dr Kevin Jones and Natalie Kerr at Bolton Hospital

Her oxygen levels were falling at the time due to the condition adding stress on the heart, where blood vessels struggled to pump blood though the lungs, meaning the heart had to work harder. She was critically ill when Dr Kevin Jones was called to A&E to step in, and it is thanks to him she was able to be diagnosed and treated in time.

Dr Jones was able to diagnose her condition through his research into the condition.

He said: “It’s very, very rare for a GP to see this condition, and it takes a long time to make the diagnosis. The registrar wouldn’t have know if I hadn’t of been there.

“It’s fortunate that I happened to be the right person in the right place at the right time.

“Hers and her daughter’s life were in danger and there was a chance she wasn’t going to live.

“Natalie is just such a beautiful, positive and wonderful woman who has dedicated her life to raising money.

“It has had a huge affect on her life and mine, and I always think of her.”

The condition meant that she was in need of a double lung transplant as she became increasingly reliant on administered oxygen.

In 2012 Natalie successfully had the operation to receive her new lungs, which, she said, changed her life forever.

The Bolton News: From left to right: Son Brandon, Natalie, daughter Isabelle, and dog Coco in Blackpool

Natalie,who grew up in The Haulgh area of Bolton, added: “It’s absolutely amazing to still be here after 10 years. I thought me and my daughter would both die because of my illness. It’s a miracle we’re both still here. But me and my daughter are doing really well now."

Natalie who also has a 19-year-old son Brandon said: “I have had the most incredible 10 years with friends and family and I am praying I have another 10 years.

“Kevin is an absolutely amazing man, so it’s thanks to him really, and my organ donor.

“My children have been a massive inspiration to get better and try my best to have a positive mindset.”

Natalie,who now lives in Adlington, hopes that the charity event will help raise as much awareness on organ donations and funds as possible.

Dr Jones will be giving a speech in honour of Natalie, as well as performing some of his stand up material.

The event will take place at Bolton Whites Hotel on February 19.

Tickets are £37 per adult, and £28 per child, with money going to Pulmonary Hypertension Association, and New Start Charity at Wythenshawe Hospital.

Help with the ball would also be appreciated such as help with table decorations are especially needed. Businesses which help will be promoted on the night and everyone who helps will have their tickets will be discounted.

For more information email natikerr@yahoo.co.uk or phone Bolton Whites Hotel on 01204 673 610.