A MAN with an "appalling" record of violence against women has been jailed after assaulting his partner and escaping a police van.

Bolton Crown Court heard on Wednesday how Jonathan Proudman, 35 of Railway Road, Leigh, had subjected his then girlfriend to a sustained period of coercive control, threatening and abusive behaviour and physical abuse during the course of their relationship between September 2020 and May 2021.

The court also heard how Proudman had been arrested on March 26 after refusing to leave the woman's home but had escaped from the back of a police van before being recaptured around seven weeks later.

Prosecutor Geoff Lowe said: "He was a regular and seasoned domestic abuser."

Mr Lowe told the court how Proudman had controlled his girlfriend's social media accounts, how he had isolated her from her friends and family and frequently sent her insulting and abusive messages.

He said: "He is described as very paranoid and accused her of sleeping around."

Proudman's paranoia became especially acute during periods spent in custody, and on one occasion sent his partner 31 abusive voice messages.

One of them said: "I'm not going to give you a punch, I'm going to give you a proper kicking, I'm going to do you in like wounded."

In December 2020 Proudman then smashed his partner's phone and severely beat her while her four-year-old son was downstairs.

He was finally arrested on March 26 this year after arriving at the woman's house and refusing to leave, but escaped out of the back of a police van.

Proudman was eventually re-arrested after seven weeks on April 13 and eventually pleaded guilty to his offences on June 11 and December 13.

Mr Lowe also told the court how Proudman had 11 previous convictions to his name and a particular record for violence against former partners.

Defence counsel Colin Buckle admitted that "there are some cases that don't open themselves easily to mitigation" but said his clients guilty pleas needed to be taken into account.

He said: "The period that he has been in custody has been particularly hard for him."

But Judge Martin Walsh ruled that Proudman's offences warranted a prison sentence.

He said: "You have an appalling record of violence, particularly violence against females and former partners."

Proudman was jailed for 39 months and is now subject to a restraining order concerning his victim for the next five years.