A JEALOUS man who tried to ‘cut off his rival’s penis’ in a frenzied attack has been jailed for 20 years for attempted murder.

James Cunliffe, 33, launched the violence against Peter German at the home of his ex-partner Shannon Mather, on March 22, Manchester Crown Court was told.

Without any prior warning, Cunliffe had arrived at the property in Etherstone Road, Leigh, to collect some clothing he had left there, the court heard.

But he “saw red” when he saw Mr German, who had also been previously romantically involved with Miss Mather.

Gwen Henshaw, prosecuting, said initially Cunliffe battered his victim with his fists before he went to the kitchen and grabbed a large knife.

As Mr German lay cowering on a couch, Cunliffe stabbed him in the perineum. He also stabbed him in the arm, head and chest.

Cunliffe, of Diamond Street, Leigh, had denied attempted murder but was convicted after a trial.

Passing sentence, Judge Hilary Manley said the blame for the attack could be put down to the defendant’s “controlling and jealous” attitude towards his former partner.

The judge also imposed indefinite restraining orders for Mr German and Miss Mather.

In a statement given to the court, Mr German recalled how Cunliffe had been standing over him, partway through the attack, with the knife, and he was convinced he was going to die.”

The victim believed Cunliffe “wanted to cut off his penis” during the attack, the court was told.

The court heard Mr German has been left suffering from he effect of post-traumatic stress disorder and had not worked since the offence.

Oliver Jarvis, defending, said the offence had not been pre-meditated and his client had expressed remorse when he realised what had taken place.

The court heard Cunliffe had previous convictions both for attacking Miss Mather and his own mother. And he was also given a 15-month sentence in July, 2019 for attacking a neighbour who had complained about the couple’s constant rows.