A GROUP of residents has committed to back the next stages of plans to redevelop their area while preserving its heritage.

Over recent years, a group of volunteers in Over Hulton have been working on their neighbourhood plan which aims “to enhance the natural features of the area, while promoting and restoring the village lifestyle for residents” by giving local people a say on council planning documents.

This week, the Over Hulton Neighbourhood Forum has decided at its AGM to commit to another five years of supporting its current committee and its plans to shape the development of the area.

Cllr Toby Hewitt, who represents the area on Bolton Council, said: “We are backing local people to have their say on planning documents which can shape development in their area. There has been amazing levels of engagement with local people so far who on the whole are backing the draft of the plan.”

The neighbourhood plan gives Over Hulton residents a say in planning decisions and sets out policies which will be used by Bolton Council to determine planning applications.

It covers a large number of important local issues including housing and design, landscape, green space and heritage assets, access, local services and facilities.

The plan also allows the community to identify important infrastructure projects that should be improved and which could be funded through development or in partnership with other delivery partners, such as the highways authority.

Following this week’s meeting, local expert on landscaping and natural history Elaine Taylor gave a talk on the historic and natural significance of Hulton Park.

The forum will now seek to move to the next stages of further consultation and independent examination with a possible local referendum on whether or not to adopt the plan in full.

Forum secretary Carolyne Bevis said: “I would like to thank everyone who has supported us over the last few years and helped us get this far.

"The last 18 months has been a challenge, however our volunteers have spurred us on and encouraged us to keep going.”