An amateur football club's pitches have been vandalised again by people on motorbikes.

Last week, 'idiots on motorbikes' vandalised three pitches at Radcliffe Town Football Club and the same has been done again.

Malc Tillson, the club secretary, discovered the fresh damage on Thursday November 25 when he visited the King George V Playing Fields on Outwood Road.

He noticed the grass on a different pitch had been churned up and the vandals had created spinning wheel marks and grooves in the pitch.

Malc believes the vandalism happened on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning and he believes the vandalism is a strange coincidence.

He said: "It seems strange to have damage done twice in one week because nobody has ever damaged the pitch this frequently and that bad.

"We are trying to think if we have upset somebody.

"It's getting a bit annoying now, the repairs cost money and the lads pay money to play football and it's not fair that the grass keeps getting vandalised.

"We have had to cancel one game for tomorrow and if anything we are more worried that they will come around again and all the pitches will be damaged and more games will be cancelled."

This is not the first time that vandals have churned up the pitches and Malc believes its becoming a hotspot for people with their motorbikes, cars and horses.

The football club, which plays in Division Five of the Lancashire Amateur League, have had vandals damage dugouts and cars stuck in the mud.

Speaking of the damage, Malc said: "I don't know what pleasure or point they get out of vandalising the pitches.

"Motorbikes are bad but horse hooves can be dangerous and leave deep holes if the ground is soft."

The club, which has three teams in amateur football and junior teams, put a planning application forward for fences to be put up around the pitches to stop the vandalism from happening.

However, the football club is currently waiting to hear back from the council.