A WOMAN spotted waving an ornamental sword in a Farnworth street has been given a suspended prison sentence.

On September 26 Leanne Moritz, aged 40, of Peel Street, Farnworth, was seen with the sword near her home.

Wigan magistrates were told that Mortiz previously committed an assault which included a knife.

Magistrates told her: “On this occasion you were waving what appears to be an ornamental sword on a public street in the company of a third party.

“The police do not make any suggestion that you made threats with this weapon but these were clearly very serious and dangerous circumstances.”

At the time Moritz was already subject to a community order for a previous offence.

After admitting possession of a bladed article in public, Moritz was sentenced to four months in prison, suspended for 12 months.

As part of the sentence she must participate in 25 days of rehabilitation activities and she was also ordered to pay £213 in costs and charges.

The sword was confiscated.