A SEXUAL predator who targeted a 14-year-old girl in Bolton as she made her way home has been jailed for 12 years and three months and told he must serve a minimum of seven years and three months behind bars before he is able to apply for parole.

Luke Weldon appeared to be sentenced today after also admitting a string of other sexual offences.

Bolton Crown Court heard his most serious offence took place on June 9 this year when he targeted a 14-year-old girl on Starkie Road on the way home from Bolton skate park.

Weldon first noticed her while he was inside a van and got out and followed her down a wooded footpath.

He struck her on the head with what she believed was a rock and a struggle ensued.

The girl in question shouted “rape” and punched him five times before he ran away.

The predator was traced days later in the van he had been driving but claimed his intention was to rob the girl of a mobile phone.

He later pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a child.

Earlier that day in Bury he had engaged in sexual activity in front of three girls who were out together.

Weldon also admitted a similar offence in May this year in Salford in front of one young girl.

The 25-year-old also pleaded guilty to four counts of engaging in sexual activity in front of a child, a sexual assault and multiple breaches of a sexual harm prevention order.

He had unsupervised contact with a 15-year-old in Oldham in November and December last year which was banned by the courts.

The court heard that he was previously jailed for three years and four months in 2017 for sexually assaulting a ten-year-old girl.

The sexual harm prevention order which he breached by contacting girls under the age of 16 was made following that conviction.

Sara Haque, defending, said he was prepared to undergo therapeutic treatment and had pleaded guilty to the offences.

The Honorary Recorder of Bolton, Judge Martin Walsh ruled Weldon was dangerous and posed a risk to the public and for the atttack on the teenager in June passed an extended sentence meaning he will not be eligible for parole until he has served at least two thirds of a six years and nine month sentence and will be on an extended licence in the commity for further three years.

He said of the sexual assault: “This offence is particularly troubling.

“Your exact intention with regard to the attack is unclear and had she not been able to fight you off it is impossible to know what the final outcome might have been.”

He added: “I am quite satisfied that you do pose a continuing significant risk of causing serious harm to the public, in particular young girls, by the commission of further specified sexual offences.”

He was given consecutive sentences of 66 months for his other offences and was placed on the sex offenders' register for life.