A VIOLENT attacker who ordered his accomplice to plunge a machete into a householder during a burglary was caught after their victim bravely ripped off his disguise.

Daniel Walker, who suffered a stab wound to the abdomen and has been left with a disabled hand following the attack, was later able to pick Aiden Aldred out in a video identity parade.

Aldred denied causing grievous bodily harm and aggravated burglary at Mr Walker's home in Haworth Walk, Radcliffe, but was convicted following a trial and at Manchester Crown Court Recorder Gavin Doig jailed him for 10 years.

And shortly afterwards Walker himself was given a suspended prison sentence after admitting cannabis dealing and possessing a Taser. Read more here.

Gavin Howie, prosecuting, told how Mr Walker, his partner Natalie Owen and friend Lewis Shenton, who was visiting, were at the house the afternoon of May 7, 2019.

Miss Owen and Mr Shenton were in the back yard when two men, wearing balaclavas or other face coverings, clambered over the wall.

The terrified pair ran into the house and locked the door but Aldred, who was armed with a baseball bat and his accomplice, who was carrying a machete, smashed down the door and started shouting about a "rucksack".

Mr Walker, who was taking a shower at the time, heard the commotion and ran downstairs, naked, and confronted the men.

Mr Howie told how the householder struggled with Aldred, managing to rip off his balaclava.

"Having had his face covering removed the defendant shouted to the male, who has never been identified, to 'stab him'," said Mr Howie.

The second burglar obeyed and plunged the machete into Mr Walker's abdomen.

Bravely, Miss Owen grabbed the weapon and pulled it out, badly injuring her own hands in the process.

The attackers took another swipe at Mr Walker, who held his left hand up to defend himself, resulting in a severe injury which severed nerves and tendons.

The court heard how the two burglars then escaped via the front door and made off in a Toyota belonging to Aldred's girlfriend, Chelsea Cullen.

CCTV from nearby premises identified the vehicle and, a week later, police stopped Aldred driving it and arrested him.

Analysis of his phone showed it was moving from Eccles to Radcliffe and back again immediately before and after the burglary at 4pm.

And Mr Walker was able to identify Aldred as the man carrying the baseball bat.

The court heard that Mr Walker had to undergo surgery and is still only able to bend two fingers on his hand.

In a victim statement, Mr Walker said he and his partner have been badly affected by the incident.

"It has taken me some time to realise not everyone wants to hurt me," he said.

"We don't know why we were targeted or who the others were who were involved in the incident. We will probably never know."

Aldred initially denied he was involved in the burglary and the 27-year-old, of Bridlington Avenue, Salford, then later claimed he had only been the driver for two others who were collecting a debt.

The Bolton News: Aiden AldredAiden Aldred

Claire Brocklebank, defending, told Recorder Doig that Aldred has no previous record for violence and has worked since leaving school to support his partner.

She added that, following the death of a friend from leukaemia, Aldred did charity work to raise funds for related organisations.

Sentencing Aldred, Recorder Doig told him: "I accept you have been a hard-working young man. There is clearly a good deal of good to you."

But he stressed that the violent burglary had been "terrifying" for the victims

"You were clearly intending to steal. Either you got the wrong house or what you were looking for wasn't present," he said.