A Bolton dentist who caused the death of a much loved family man in Royton by driving carelessly has been spared jail.

Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court heard Naveed Patel had twice been convicted of speeding in the year leading up to February 2019, when the fatal collision took place.

He was driving his Range Rover on Broadway in Royton at 60 miles per hour on a 40 miles per hour limit when a Mazda Saloon driven by David Eyre came out from Hilbre Avenue.

Mr Eyre, 76, was taken to hospital but died after suffering from a bleed on the brain.

Patel went on trial earlier this year where he denied causing the death by careless driving.

His defence team alleged Mr Eyre had health problems which made it more likely he would suffer a brain injury.

But the jury convicted the man from Waterslea Drive in Bolton and he returned to court to be sentenced.

Prosecutor Robert Hall read a statement from the wife of Mr Eyre, who came to the scene of the crash which took place just minutes from their home.

It said: “Grief is all consuming, it rears its head and works over you when you least expect it.

“‘They ask how you are you reply ‘I am fine’ instead you are dying.’

“David was my husband and friend, the person who loved me and made me feel safe, the one who told me he loved me every day.

“That has all been taken away.

“We have so many happy memories, three wonderful children and their spouses, seven grandchildren.”

It added that if he had lived they would have been attending a Genesis concert that day as music was a great love or Mr Eyre’s.

Representing the 32-year-old, defence counsel Benjamin Myres QC said he and his family had suffered also as a result of what happened, but the two situations could not be compared.

He said he had driven since the incident and received no more speeding convictions.

He also reiterated that experts at the trial had said Mr Eyre coming onto Broadway was an unexpected and unsafe manoeuvre.

Imposing a sentence, judge Tina Landale said Patel had not accepted responsibility for his role in the events of that day.

She said: “You caused the death of David Eyre by driving carelessly.

“David Eyre was a much loved family man and his death has left an irreplaceable gap in the family’s lives.

“Nothing that I can say or do will repair that loss in any way.

“You were driving your Range Rover at grossly excessive speed.

“You described it as being like a dual carriageway, nothing could be further from the truth.

“I do not accept you are genuinely remorseful for the offence for which you were convicted, I accept you regret the consequence of the behaviour, that is different to genuine remorse for your actions.

“It is clear in the way you gave evidence and in what you said that you do not accept any responsibility whatsoever.”

She added: “There is a realistic prospect of rehabilitation, the risk that you pose can be managed in the community.”

She suspended a sentence of 15 months for a period of two years and ordered him to carry out 280 hours of unpaid work.

As well as this she banned him from the roads for a period of three years.