A POPULAR health and fitness trend has now reached Bolton.

And people are being given the opportunity to try out the unusual pastime of Nordic walking for free this month.

The sport, which originated in Finland, involves walking with specially designed poles similar to ski poles and offering a total body workout.

Astley Bridge sports’ shop owner Doug Tobutt has been a Nordic walking instructor for 18 years “but I’ve never had the time to get the message across what great exercise it is,” he explained.

Now, his friend and colleague Paul Norris has just qualified as a Nordic walking instructor “and between us we want to spread the word,” added Doug.

So they have created a free walking course that starts on Sunday, August 15 when Doug and Paul will even provide the poles.

According to Doug, Nordic walking is a way to lose weight as it uses up more calories than just walking and over 90 per cent of muscles.

“It tones up the whole body, creates good posture and you can run as well as walk with the poles,” said Doug. “It promotes good cardio and stamina and takes the strain from your hips and knees.

“It’s also fun and you can also meet some nice people!”

Nordic walking is a Finnish-origin total-body version of walking that can be enjoyed both by non-athletes as a health-promoting physical activity, and by athletes as a sport. The activity is performed with specially designed walking poles similar to ski poles.

Nordic walking is fitness walking with specially designed poles. While trekkers, backpackers and skiers had been using the basic concept for decades

To find out more, ring 01204 307982 or email tobut.sports@gmail.com