A PAIR of real diamonds ­- that’s Tom and Freda Smith, who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary with a card from the Queen.

The Blackrod villagers married at St Katherine’s Church in the village on May 20, 1961.

They celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary enjoying afternoon tea with their family.

The Bolton News: HAPPY: Tom and Freda Smith of Blackrod on their wedding day in 1961

Tom, aged 84, and Freda, aged 85, (pictured above on their wedding day) live in Blackrod and have four children, three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, all of whom they dote on.

The couple are familiar faces in Blackrod, having been landlord and landlady of the now closed Black Horse pub.

Freda also worked as a stewardess of the local Labour Social Club and her husband at the Horwich Loco Works.

Tom was a player with Horwich RMI FC.

Son-in-law Gavin Hester said: “Everyone knows Tom and Freda, they are lovely.

“We organised the card from the Queen for them and I had to try and get a copy of their wedding certificate to do it.

“It was such a lovely surprise for them, they loved it.”